Single tooth implantation

Single tooth implantation


Modern dental implantation is the perfect solution in the case when the patient lacks only one tooth. This method makes it possible to avoid the turning of the adjacent healthy teeth, which inevitably when installing traditional bridges, implant will return to patient the loss of aesthetic smile.

However, before the procedure of implantation, an orthopedicdentist must pay attention to the amount of stored bone and the following criteria:

If there is a lack of bone width gums, before implantation of the teeth it is needed to increase the lost bone tissue through the usage of the patient’s own bone, or the usage of artificial substitutes.

Narrow width portion of the dentition, occurring in the absence of a single tooth, allows professional surgeon implantologist accurately determine the correct size of an artificial root.

Using the one-stage implantation, patients receive a large number of advantages, while the procedure will consist of introducing an artificial root and mount on him an attractive from an aesthetic point of view, crown.

If the presence of native bone makes it possible to carry out one-stage implantation, crown and implant are installed in one day, and they can stand chewing forces without rehabilitation period, virtually immediately.

When replenishing of lost teeth it is required a good initial stabilization of the implant used in bone, hence the doctor need to investigate in advance the amount of the dice before the procedure.

When an artificial root immediately after screwing it into the jaw plan to wear a beautiful crown, which does not differ in appearance from the native teeth, bone grafting is contraindicated and prevents insertion survival. If the bone volume is not enough, implantation should be carried out in two stages, in such cases, at first the volume of bone is filled and the root is screwed. While this dental implant should not be under chewing load until its union with the jaw and healing of the wounds, and only then the crown should be put on.

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